Case of the Mondays?

How to master Monday! Lets face it, you don’t hear too many people say they love Monday. Lets see if we can go over some helpful tips to making it a better day. It all starts with Sunday. If we take half of Sunday to relax, self love and self care and the other half to plan out our week. Than we are one step ahead of the game. Meal prep. One of my favorite things to get out of the way, saving more time for myself during the week. Make lists, write everything important that we have to get done and save it to your calendar. Meditation, I swear by it. If you give yourself a little extra time in the morning to start with some mindful meditation your head is more clear and ready to rock and roll. I love the Calm app. So many options on there. A good positive attitude. If you put good out into the world, believe me it will come back to you. Lastly get yourself the best large cup of coffee and drink to enjoy not drink to survive. May your clothes be comfy, your coffee be strong & your Monday be magical!

Full Day Of Eating

Gluten Free & Vegan

My days start pretty early. The first thing I start off with is 16 ounces of warm lemon water. It honestly gives me a little kick. When I get home from my first part of the day I juice 16 ounces of celery Juice and drink that on an empty stomach. Wait about 20-30 minutes before anything else enters your body. I move on to taking all my Vitamins, while my coffee brews. After my nice warm cup of coffee I move on to breakfast. Oatmeal made different ways to keep it from ever getting old. I add bananas, cooked apples, raspberries, blueberries & even some vegan chocolate. Can’t go wrong. Lunch time is always my most random meal but 90% of the time it has something to do with hummus. Major love for hummus. I promise you don’t have to eat salads everyday and meals don’t have to be boring. You can roast any kind of veggie, slice up some sweet potato and top it off with some yummy hummus! Dinner time calls for some beans! Lentils are my favorite. Trader Joes has some great finds. Roast up some more veggies and toss it in some hot sauce. Second dinner alternative red lentil pasta with broccoli is always a favorite.

Fitness Journey

How I lost 30 Pounds

Lets start off by saying nothing happens over night. I promise you this if you put in the work, you will see results in over time! My fitness journey was a roller-coaster in the beginning. I was that girl that tried every diet,every workout plan and nothing ever worked. When I sat back to evaluate my life I realized that I was in a very stressful work environment with access to fitness models, that I couldn’t stop comparing myself to. Don’t ever compare yourself to anyone but you! So I chose to leave my job and start out fresh. When I tell you the happiness diet is a real thing, It is! First part after quitting 15lbs just fell off without changing anything. Once you see change it motivates you to keep going. It was around that time that I went completely Vegan and life as you know it kept getting better. Started reading all the books by Medical Medium. I suggest checking them out. Celery Juice is a must,helps combat that horrible bloating! Don’t be afraid of fruits! Natural sugar wont effect you. Keep a positive mindset! Sign up for the Peloton app. I swear by it! First month is always free.If you have one bad day don’t let it get you down, Know that tomorrow is a new day to keep moving forward.

Check out for my on the go favorite drink! Use code Carlyfff30 for 30% off your first order.

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